Other Projects

Other Projects

Other Projects

SSCFE has been constantly working to:

  1. Provide education and healtcare programs – We provide small farming skills for women and youth. We also provided school uniforms, textbooks, stationaries, and black boards.
  2. Support women group including pregnant women – We provided item to improve hygiene at birth and for the following months, like soaps and other equipment. This is to respond fill in the gap due to the lack of local clinic and doctor.
  3. Youth engagement through sports and arts, cultural activities – We delivered team’s uniforms and equipment.
  4. Community reconciliation through dialogue to heal and find peaceful solutions among South Sudanese– This is an ongoing conversation with community members, leaders and government representatives.

If you want to get involved, get in touch with Malual Deng, malual@southsudanchildfe.org

M- +61 478 804 776

If you want to donate  please click this link

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